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Basic Policies for Information Security 

Basic Policies for Information Security

Nippon Gene Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “our” or “us”) is committed to information security on a company-wide basis in accordance with the following policies in order to maintain the security of information assets from any threat of accidents, disasters, crimes, etc., and to respond to the trust of our stakeholders and society.

1. Management Responsibility
  • We will strive to improve information security continuously on an organizational basis under the leadership of management.
2. Establishment of Internal Systems
  • We will establish an organization to maintain and improve information security, identify all information assets handled by the organization, perform risk assessments, and implement necessary safety management measures to prevent compromise of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
3. Employee Efforts
  • Our employees will acquire the knowledge and skills required for information security and will ensure our information security efforts.
4. Compliance with Laws and Contractual Requirements
  • We comply with laws, regulations, norms, and contractual obligations related to information security and meet the expectations of stakeholders.
5. Response to Violations and Accidents
  • We will take appropriate measures to prevent the recurrence of any violations of laws and regulations, breaches of contracts, and accidents related to information security.
6. Continuous Improvement
  • We will operate the management system necessary to implement this information security policy within the organization and will make continuous improvements.

Enactment date: May 17, 2021

Nippon Gene Co., Ltd.

Atsushi Yoneda, President

Personal Information Protection Policy

We are deeply aware of the importance of personal information and will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations. At the same time, we have established the Personal Information Protection Policy as follows, and will strive to ensure that all of our employees are fully aware of it, and to appropriately manage and protect personal information.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information
  • We will only collect your personal information by lawful and fair means.
2. Use of Personal Information
  • We will use personal information within the scope of the Purpose of Use notified or announced in advance.
  • When we outsource the handling of personal information, we will rigorously investigate and select contractors and conduct necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure the safe management of personal information.
    3. Management of personal information
    • We will maintain the accuracy of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and will safely manage it.
    • We will take reasonable information security measures against unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc. to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, and improper disclosure of personal information (including personal information that we have acquired or is attempting to acquire, which we plan to treat as personal information).
    4. Disclosure/Correction/Suspension of Retained Personal Information
    • We will respond without delay in accordance with laws and regulations when requested by the person to disclose, correct, or suspend the use of personal information in his or her possession.
    5. Management System for Protection of Personal Information
    • We will operate a personal information protection and management system to properly protect and handle personal information, and will continuously review and improve the system.
    • We will educate and train employees on how to protect personal information and how to properly manage it, and will ensure the proper handling of personal information in daily operations.

    Date of enactment: May 29, 2017

    Final revision: April 1, 2024

    Nippon Gene Co., Ltd.

    Atsushi Yoneda, President

    Handling of Personal Information

    1. Purpose of Use

    The purpose of use of personal information obtained by us and the purpose of use of personal information in our possession are as follows.

    (1) Personal information of our customers
    ・ Providing and informing our products and services
    ・ Providing and collecting academic and technical information
    ・Providing and collecting information on product quality, safety, effectiveness, and proper use of products
    ・ Informing our exhibitions, seminars, training sessions, etc.
    ・ Research and study for the development of new products
    ・ Verification of membership and communicating with members of the Internet site for researchers

    (2) Personal information of those who contact us
    ・ Examining, investigating and responding to inquiries and requests to the customer support
    ・ Submitting notifications and reports to public authorities to comply with our legal obligations

    (3) Personal information of our business partners
    ・Transaction preparation, fulfillment, and contract management
    ・Submitting notifications and reports to public authorities

    (4) Personal information of applicants for employment
    ・management of information on company briefing sessions and selection results
    ・Notification of the schedule and the results of recruitment screening

    (5) Personal information concerning our executives, employees (including retirees) and their families
    ・management of work, salary payments, personnel affairs and evaluation, skills development, benefits, health and safety
    ・Submitting notifications and reports to public authorities

    2. Shared use of Personal Information

    We may share personal information provided by customers as follows:

    (1) Items of personal information for shared use:
    Information about your name, affiliation, address, phone number, email address, inquiries and related
    (2)Scope of joint users:
    Nippon Gene Material Co., Ltd.
    (3) Purpose of use by joint user:
    Purposes described above in Section 1 (“Purpose of Use”).
    (4) Entity responsible for personal information management:
    Nippon Gene Co., Ltd.

    3. How to Obtain Disclosure/Correction/Suspension of Retained Personal Information

    When we receive a request for disclosure or other information, we will respond within a reasonable period and within a reasonable amount of time after confirming that the person who has made the request is the person in question or the person who is authorized to act as the official representative. Please contact us through the “Inquiry” page on this website for procedures such as disclosure of personal information.

    <Personal Information Handling Business Operator>

    Nippon Gene Co., Ltd.
    Atsushi Yoneda, President
    1-5, Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    <Regarding Identity Confirmation Documents>

    To confirm your identity, please send one of the following documents by post:
    ・ If requested by the person
    A copy of the driver’s license, passport, residence card, or other identity verifiable document.

    ・ If requested by an agent
    In addition to the above, a document confirming the existence of the authority of statutory representation.

    * If your registered permanent domicile or individual number is indicated, please blacken before sending the documents to us. If it is not blackened at the time of our receipt, we will blacken it by us and we will consider that it will not be obtained by us.


    With regard to notification of the purpose of use and disclosure of personal information, 500 JPY (excluding consumption tax) shall be collected as a handling charge for each request. When mailing each invoice to us, please enclose a postal money order of 500 JPY (excluding consumption tax) for the handling charge. If the handling charge is not paid after 10 days have passed since the notification, the request will be null and void.

    4. Disclosure and Provision to Third Parties

    We will not provide personal information to any third party except with the consent of the person in question or in accordance with laws and regulations.

    5. Outsourcing

    When outsourcing personal information, we conduct strict investigations, determine the contractor, and supervise the confidentiality of personal information appropriately.

    6. Safety Control Measures for Personal Information

    Regarding the handling of personal information, we have established information security regulations (including the handling of personal information), and in accordance with our personal information protection management system, we take the following safety management measures appropriately, and make ongoing reviews and improvements.

    ・Organizational safety management measures: Assignment of persons in charge of handling personal information, access control, clarification of the division of roles, establishment of reporting and communication system, etc.
    ・Human safety control measures: Regular training for all employees, initial training for newly appointed employees, confidentiality agreements, etc.
    ・Physical safety management measures: Establishment of area control by setting security levels, control of locking, irreparable deletion and disposal, etc.
    ・Technical security management measures: Minimization of access privileges, prevention of unauthorized access from outside, etc.

    7. Inquiries about the handling of personal information
    In the case of letter

    1-25, Arakawa 1-chome, Toyama-shi, Toyama 930-0982, Japan
    Nippon Gene Co., Ltd. General Affairs Dept. Personal Information Consultation Desk

    In the case of an e-mail form

    Contact us at the Contact Us page on the Nippon Gene Corporate Site.

    Please note that we will not accept inquiries from customers who come directly to our office.

    Final revision: April 25, 2022

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    Final revision: April 25, 2022